Monday, September 21, 2015

Nature Walk: First Signs of Fall

We took a lovely Sunday afternoon nature walk.  Fall is on the way!  I love fall, and since fall is sadly lacking in the eternal summer of the tropics, it's been three years since we had one.  I am so very excited. 
The really nice thing about taking our nature walk Sunday afternoon was that my husband was able to join us.  It was also a lovely way to regroup after a busy week (and before a new one). I'm thinking more Sunday afternoon nature walks will be in our future. 
The fruits of a magnolia tree.  Aren't they beautiful?  I've 'adopted' this tree because it fascinates me so much.
First bits of fall color.  There was already more today than we saw yesterday!
Some kind of fungi.  I've noticed a lot of interesting fungi around here.  Perhaps a fungi study in our future?
My girls are collectors.  Elizabeth is picking a flower that we later identified as a purple mistflower….
…and Michelle an assortment of nuts and seeds.  She noted that a lot more acorns had dropped down from her adopted oak tree.
Back home for some journaling time…
Michelle's Acorns
James' Mistflower
Elizabeth's assorted finds: a lily pad with its stem, a magnolia seed, and a mace ball. 
We ended the evening with one last swim before our community pool closed for the season.  It didn't last long…the water was already too cold.
Welcome, fall!  We're so glad you're here.

1 comment:

  1. I wish it were fall where we are! It's definitely getting cooler overnight here, but the days are still warm and sunny. Can't wait to start seeing some fall sights and that crispness in the air that I wait for all summer. Your pictures are beautiful. I am so glad you are enjoying a real fall this year. :)
